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Tag Archives: Allergy

imageElijah at 3 has shown no signs of eczema although he does scar and bruise easily.  We sought to increase his iron to combat that.  Lucas on the other hand has seemed to suffer from skin problems from day one.  Took a few months for his doctors to conclude it is eczema.  But then their only advice was aquaphor and OTC .5% hydrocortisone cream.  Meanwhile,the poor baby was suffering – itching, irritated.  it was so upsetting to watch.  Then, I gave him some banana (his first solid at 6 months) and he loved it but seemed to have a skin reaction right away.  I thought maybe its not eczema, maybe it’s food allergies.  Switched him to Alimentum and things seemed to improve slightly.  Took him to to the Allergist and finally found a doctor willing to intervene whether it was food or not.  He prescribed the following and I am so happy to report that Lucas’s skin irritations are virtually gone.  In hopes that this’s will shorten your learning curve, here’s what the doctors s advised (shout out to

Combatting Eczema

1-Bathing 20 minutes/day (not possible for us but we get him in a bath for as long as we can daily)

2-Soap only every other day and only with baby oil in the water

3-Forego moisturizers, opt for Aquaphor or A+D Ointment

4-Use prescribed 2.5% hydrocortisone cream on problem areas twice/day

5-Lucas’s neck was still irritated so I insisted that the doctor prescribed something else and he went with a hydrocortisone with an anti-yeast component and it worked like a charm.  Use as prescribed.

hope this helps!  I have heard of other home remedies.  If you have any good ones, please share.  Have an awesome day!